Punjen vrućim i začinjenim maslacem od čipotle-limete, ovaj pečeni krompir čini odličan ručak ili večeru. Poslužite s mesom sa roštilja ili lososom za obrok tokom celog slijeda.
- 4 x 250-275g Tesco najfiniji crveni krompir, pročišćen
- 2 kašičice maslinovog ulja
- pola žličice morske soli koja se ljušti
- 40g slanog putera, omekšano
- 20 g vlasca, sitno odrezan
- 1 kašičica chipotle čili paste
- 1 limeta, sitno naribana korica, plus 1 kašika soka
- 4 mladi luk, obrezan, isečen na trećine i fino iseckan po dužini
Zagrijte pećnicu na plin 6, 200 ° C, ventilator 180 ° C.
Probodite krompir ražnjem ili oštrim nožem nekoliko puta i istrljajte uljem i solju.
Prebacite u pleh i pecite 10 minuta. Smanjite vrućinu na plin 5, 190 ° C, ventilator 170 ° C i kuhajte još 1 sat ili dok ne omekša u centru kada se probuši.
U međuvremenu pomiješajte maslac sa većinom vlasca i sve paste od čipota, korice i soka limete, tukući sve zajedno. Začinite paprom; ostaviti po strani.
Izrežite krst na vrhu svakog pečenog krompira i lagano ga stisnite (pomoću kuhinjske krpe) da se križ malo otvori.
Kašikom dodajte malo maslaca u sredinu, a na vrh mladi luk i preostali vlasac.
Poslužite uz meso sa roštilja ili losos.
Dobar tek!
Baked potatoes with chipotle-lime butter
- 4 x 250-275g Tesco Finest red potatoes, scrubbed
- 2 tsp olive oil
- ½ tsp flaky sea salt
- 40g salted butter, softened
- 20g chives, finely snipped
- 1 tsp chipotle chilli paste
- 1 lime, zest finely grated, plus 1 tbsp juice
- 4 spring onions, trimmed, cut into thirds and finely shredded lengthways
- Preheat the oven to gas 6, 200°C, fan 180°C. Pierce the potatoes several times with a skewer or sharp knife and rub with the oil and salt. Transfer to a baking tray and bake for 10 mins. Reduce the heat to gas 5, 190°C, fan 170°C and cook for a further 1 hr or until tender in the centre when pierced.
- Meanwhile, mix the butter with most of the chives and all the chipotle paste and lime zest and juice, beating it all together. Season with pepper; set aside.
- Cut a cross in the top of each baked potato and squeeze gently (using a tea towel) to open up the cross a little. Spoon some of the butter into the centre and top with the spring onions and remaining chives. Serve with grilled meat or salmon.
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