Ovo jelo je po receptu naših baka i rado ga pripremam jer me vraća u djetinjstvo, jako ukusan punjeni krompir koji će vam se svidjeti,probajte jer vrijedi truda!
6 većih krompira
1 glavica crnog luka
1-2 češnja belog luka
200 gr kuvanog kukuruza
3 kašike griza
2 dl bujona od povrća
100 gr narendanog kačkavalja
2 žumanceta
kašika maslinovog ulja
dakle, biber (po ukusu).
Način pripreme:
Krompir operite (nemojte da ga ljuštite) pa ga stavite da se kuva u slanoj vodi, ali pazite da se ne prekuva. Kad je gotov, ostavite ga da se malo prohladi, odsječite trećinu (poklopac) i pažljivo izdubite kašičicom sredinu. Crni i beli luk sitno iseckajte i propržite na zagrejanom ulju. Luku dodajte griz (lagano promiješajte) sve nalijte bujonom, smanjite temperaturu i kuhajte još pet-šest minuta uz neprekidno miješanje.
Pomerite s ringle, dodajte pripremljen so i biber. Umutite žumanca pa i njih dodajte u sastav, kao i izmrvljenu sredinu krompira i kačkavalja. Masu promiješajte i sa njom dodajte krompir. Napunjen, poređajte u pleh i stavite da se peče oko 15 minuta na 200 stepeni. Izvadite iz rerne i vrući krompir servirajte uz sir, kiselo mlijeko, salatu.
6 large potatoes
1 head of onion
1-2 cloves of garlic
200 g of boiled corn
3 spoons of semolina
2 dl vegetable broth
100 g of grated cheese
2 egg yolks
spoon of olive oil
salt, pepper (to taste).
Way of preparation:
Wash the potatoes (don't peel them) and cook them in salted water, but be careful not to overcook them. When it's ready, let it cool a little, cut off a third (the lid) and carefully scoop out the middle with a spoon. Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry in hot oil. Add semolina to the onion (stir lightly), pour broth over everything, reduce the temperature and cook for another five to six minutes, stirring continuously.
Remove from the stove, add prepared salt and pepper. Beat the egg yolks and add them to the mixture, as well as the crumbled potatoes and cheese. Mix the mass and fill the potatoes with it. Filled, arrange in a tray and bake for about 15 minutes at 200 degrees. Remove from the oven and serve hot potatoes with cheese, sour milk and salad.
And that's it, ENJOY!
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